Advanced System End-User Training

An Advanced System End-User Training involves multiple components, including the elements of a Teams or Zoom Room. Advanced system trainings are considered “advanced” because they usually include a Crestron, QSC or Extron control system that connects several manufacturers’ solutions to the system.   These systems might also include interactive flat panels, document cameras, advanced audio, lighting, multiple monitors, and more.  During this training, your instructor will guide you through your GUI, or Graphic User Interface, and instruct you on the operational use, as well as best practices pertaining to the individual components of your AV system. LightWerks takes pride in ensuring that everyone involved in the course has a sense of mastery over their new AV solution before we conclude the training! 

Advanced System End-User Training

During trainings and “check-ups,” the LightWerks Trainer will lead a single end-user, or group of end-users through a live, engaging professional development session covering the operational use, as well as best practices pertaining to the use of advanced system room technology.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Relevant documentation pertaining to the technology being integrated (GUI screenshots, manufacturer documentation, etc.) will be provided to the customer by the PM/salesperson either electronically or through physical documentation.

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