Projector and Flat Panel Repair
Projector and Flat Panel Repair
The constant use of electrical appliances and electronic devices causes them to fail and require their repair. Repairing electronic devices is a tedious task that requires advanced knowledge of electronics. The success of the repair will depend on the fault present and the skills of the engineer or electronic technician.
LightWerks Communication Systems offers service as part of our proposal to our customers. Choose one our PlatinumCare Support Agreements, and let LightWerks worry about your AV and security system maintenance for you, so that you can continue doing business as usual. Depending on the level of support you need, our expert Support personnel – Engineers, Programmers, and Technicians – will keep you covered with remote monitoring, remote and onsite trouble resolution, and/or preventive maintenance visits, increasing the lifespan of your systems and eliminating the stress and cost of unnecessary down-time.
If you need a one time repair, for example your display needs service, visit our recommended service centers below and they will help you get a quote on quickly repairing your display.
If you want to dispose of your electronic equipment in a environmental way, please contact your local recycle or E-waste facility. Mendtronix Logistics also offers reverse logistics, which unburdens clients of the hassles related to product returns, logistics support for recall management and any other process that returns goods from, the point of consumption to the point of origin.