Museum Uses NEC Projector to Show Classical Artwork as Multicolored Masterpieces
Using a NEC projector allowed a San Francisco art museum to present the unexpectedly colorful past of ancient sculptures and artifacts.
The challenge:
Present a piece of classical artwork as it looked with its original vibrant coloring – without using paint or physical mediums
The goal:
To help visitors better connect with the works of the ancient Mediterranean by presenting this art as its contemporaries would have seen it vibrantly colored and eye-catching through a combination of technology and painstaking research.
The Solution:
A NEC PA803U projector is be used to project colors onto a frieze next to an identical reproduction of the original frieze. Lighting treatment projected by the NEC projector onto the replica would fade in and out within a 12-second span, allowing visitors to see the same frieze in its original colors as well as its current monochrome state.
Read the full success story HERE